Survival Guide

(INCOMPLETE) << Home 27/03/24: If you find this helpful, don't share with anyone, if not, then share. Don't increase your competition, idiot.

Come to a conclusion, after thinking and rethinking. Never ever believe anything you see on the internet, especially reddit, 4chan, X etc.
Analyse the available data aka "the observed reality", then question yourself, "did i ignore anything?", "what are the other trustworthy sources of info that i must refer to?" Make interpretations, whether any symbolic meaning or hidden motive exists or not. Make assumptions, what series of events might occur if you believe in a particular idea, and what if you don't. Recognise which pathway would benefit you the most, choose it. Re-evaluate if required.


Before you fry up your brain, let me warn you, do not watch porn, i repeat DO NOT WATCH PORN. WHY? It'll ruin your social life and mental health. People will appear to be meatbags made for banging. You won't be able to think straight soon, just flashes of someone fucking someone else and you getting a boner imagining the first person to be you. Memory loss, muscle atrophy, negative motivation, no focus, hormonal disbalance, social anxiety, 0 self esteem and the list goes on (based on personal experience). Preserve your energy, do productive stuffs that would matter in your self development, or none would want to ever mate with you ,for it would be biologically non preferable.
Survival of the fittest, eh?
Or you can keep on watching porn and masturbating to it, and make it easier for others to survive in this world and propagate their genes, while you try to impregnate your bedsheet, loser.

Information overload

Try this, 16hrs screen time for 4 days, alternating between Instagram, Youtube, X, Reddit, News Channels, watching reels, anime, flashy text, highly edited videos etc. Then use Digital Detox app, give all permissions to it, and lock your phone for 4 days allowing only phone calls, do same for your PC, using Cold Turkey, block the whole internet using it from your PC, and then go outside of your home, spend time with your own thoughts, and spend time creatively, ranging from drawing a self portrait, to planning the grand plan to terminate your class teacher. You'll realise that it's much better, our brains are not *that fast* to process so much trash, filter information, allow what matters, leave the rest. Remember your sole objective is survival, improving your self, and help the human species to progress further, to prevent your future generations from extinction. In that case, reels won't benefit, neither will the next roast video or the Valorant match. Choose wisely. Go slow, process, learn what matters. Restrict screen time. Read quality books, and apply knowledge to real life.


Look, you must first increase your level to have someone of your desired level with you. Increase your sample space, to not be biased. And then try searching for the "Secretary Problem", read about it. Have a backup plan, that just in case the other person didn't turn out to be how you had thought of, you can safely and strategically get out of the league ensuring the other person doesn't become an enemy or devises a plan to kill you. If you are in an LDR, and have weak EQ levels, after every conversation, use an LLM like gpt3/4 or such to feed the conversations, and asking it to analyse the emotions and inner meanings of the conversations. Make sure to call it a script of a play or novel to trick it. I had fed gpt3 with few thousands of conversations to build a virtual model of the other person, to help me reply her with the most optimised and strategic words. Works 30-40℅ of the time. Emotional energy will be drained so be cautious, take decisions in life as if it's a chess game.
Make sure the other person is not hurt too, provided she had no bad intentions.